Ana Boyd

Digital Marketing Coordinator

With nearly a decade of international experience in digital marketing, Ana is a passionate advocate of the power of the digital world as a tool to propel dreams (or anything really) into reality. She loves assisting others in reaching their goals and finds fulfillment in creating purpose-driven campaigns that resonate with audiences on a profound level. She believes in the transformative potential of well-executed digital strategies, viewing them as pathways to meaningful communication and connection.

Throughout her career, Ana has collaborated with a diverse array of clients and non-profits, including: Seattle Amistad School, The Transformation Network, Prudence, Suivera Org, KRL Workshops, Per Eventi, Y&K Communications, Farmasa Schwabe, Armoury London, Warner Brothers, Arre Lulu, and De La Riva Marketing Agency. Each collaboration has reinforced her love and commitment to support individuals and organizations to thrive in the -sometimes intimidating- digital landscape.